Monday, January 7, 2019

Out of the Maelstrom

Imagine a fantasy world that blends the golden age of piracy, swashbuckling, and gunpowder with fantasy world of magic, dwarves, elves and goblins and the like. This will be the campaign world I have decided to create. Races from many different worlds are deposited here over thousand or so years from a huge Maelstrom with dimensional powers that is at the center of this world those that have survived have now grown thrived and established island communities and nations scattered among the many islands. As I Toggle with Campaign Cartographer 3+ I have started to Map out Islands of the Southern Seas directly south of the Maelstrom. The First of these Islands I wish to share with you is below.

Isla de Congrejo is primarily populated primarily by humans that speak a Hispanic Dialect the Island has 5 ports with anchorages Puerto Plata being the largest known as a bustling city with silver mines near an active volcano on the interior. The island also has an abundance of Caoba used in building ships and a port that is primarily a whaling community. The ports on the Western and Eastern legs of the island are communities of a more lawless nature prone to piracy, smuggling and the sale of stolen goods from those sorts of trades.

As I become more familiar with Campaign Cartographer 3+ and develop more of my Ideas. I hope to improve the quality of the maps I make. I hope this little snippet sparks your curiosity on more to come.

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