Thursday, March 14, 2019

Inspirations in different places

As I Set my ideas forth I knew that I wanted to start looking at what edition of Dungeons and Dragons was I now planning to run. I felt the latest or 5th edition calling to me even though I was more familiar with earlier editions I was hearing from some former players that this edition was allot smoother and less complicated I also felt with a possibility of gaming with newer younger players this was obviously more readily available so I began to take a look. I found there was free PDF version of the basic rules at the Official D&D website so I wanted to take a look at that first to get a glint of the possible changes. Reading through and creating some test characters to become familiar with the rules changes delighted me I particularly enjoyed the emphasis on a characters back story and saw the streamlining in the 5th edition and liked it. This encouraged me (Rather Quickly) to acquire a Players handbook, Monster Manual, and Dungeon Masters Guide and use the 5th edition rules. I have enclosed a link to the free version of the basic rules at the Official site so perhaps I could inspire others to start playing or for newcomers to my campaign to get familiar with the rules.

D&D BASIC RULES 5th Edition:

After Reading through the rules and having already decided on a setting I Thought I was going to have to come up with some rules or improvisation for ships and combat being that my campaign world is mostly Islands and vast expanses of ocean I found some more inspiration at the D&D Official site with some Preliminary Playtest rules for Ships and Combat I definitely plan to use these and hope to provide some of my own ship statistics for ships in my campaign in future BLOG posts. I have included an example of one of the ships statistics below in my campaign and a link for those rules below too. I highly encourage checking out the official D&D Website: there is a wealth of information on upcoming publications, resources and tools to help aspiring Dungeon Masters.


Gargantuan Vehicle (55' long and 15' wide)

Creature Capacity: 15 Crew 20 Passengers (Minimum 6 Crew)
Cargo Capacity: 20 Tons
Travel Pace: 10 Miles per hour (240 Miles per day)

STR       DEX       CON       INT        WIS        CHAR
16(+2)    8(-1)       16(+2)      0                0             0

Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
Condition Immunities: blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious

Hull ---- Armor Class 14 Hit Points: 230 (Threshold 14)
Control Helm ---- Armor Class 16 Hit Points: 40 -5ft per 15 damage taken sails
Movement Sails ---- Armor Class 12 Hit Points: 100: Locomotion (Water) Sails, speed 60ft; 30ft. while sailing into the wind; 100ft. while sailing with the wind
Weapons: (Sakers - Small Cannon) 4 2 per side ---- Armor Class: 18 Hit Points: 50 +5 to attack, Range 250/1200 ft. 1 target 5d10 bludgeoning damage. (Swivels) 1 per side ----  Armor Class: 16 Hit Points: 25 +5 to attack Range 50-100 ft. 1 target 3d6 bludgeoning damage.
Actions ---- on its turn, the coastal schooner can move using its helm, it can also fire its cannon provided 2 crew are manning each gun and its swivels being manned by 1 crewman each if it has less than the 6 minimum crew manning the sails it drops by 25% speed per 2 crew short and -1 to any skill or DC checks.

Let me know what you think of this ship more to come..

By the Time I started jotting this BLOG I found D&D wizards is soon to release one of my favorite Modules from the Past " The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh" I have played and run as Dungeon Master this Several time in the past Here is a link to the Original Module from back in the day you can purchase from this link at the DM's guild:

It can be found as a free PDF here:

Hints indicate that Naval Combat are going to be in the new release and I am eagerly looking forward for that to come out but if you never played or want to know more about this module Check out the above links to the older version of the module. You Can find out more about the new release Here at the D&D website:
My World is taking shape.

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