Sunday, January 6, 2019

Beggining to find my old legs

Well after hearing many of my friends and family members making or keeping a blog I started to do the same today. After many years away from one of my passions which is gaming. I have been playing Dungeons and Dragons since my early teens (Before there where numbered editions) that soon lead to many different games and later in Minatare wargaming, Strategy games, card games, Traditional games, Computer games and MMORPG's Just to name a few.

A Snap of a portion of my dice collection

My Career and work Activities have kept me away far too long. Now that I'm nearing retirement and my obligations at work have freed up a little time I plan to dabble back into the gaming pool. I was an Accomplished Dungeon Master for Dungeons and Dragons and many other Pen and paper RPG's for years and took my first step towards finding my legs again last night. I Reinstalled CC3+ better known as Campaign Cartographer 3 on my computer and started some creative juices flowing as I start to dabble in a potential new Campaign world I soon hope to play in with friends and hope to share here in my Blog as well.

CC3+ Here is the Link:

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